Every actor in Bollywood wants to work with Aamir Khan as his presence in a film is guarantee of a blockbuster. But it seems like the co-stars of Aamir’s upcoming film Dhoom 3 are not too happy in his company. As per a leading website, Katrina Kaif and Abhishek Bachchan are getting frustrated with the way Aamir works.A source close to production team of Dhoom 3 told to the website, “The film is taking longer than expected, courtesy the Talaash actor. Kat and Abhi are fed-up because unlike him, they don’t do one film in a year and their other commitments are suffering because of the delay in D3. Also, Aamir has become late lateef lately, which is complicating matters. Not that his co-stars will complain openly. Because they understand that his inputs are for the betterment of the film, but they can’t help feeling frustrated.”
The source added, “Katrina and Abhishek have been on the verge of tearing their hair out. In fact, things have come to such a point that Katrina has told people around her that she will think hard before working with Aamir again. Her Bang Bang schedule had to be postoponed twice because of D3. Earlier, Aamir would always come for a 9am shot sharp on time or maybe even earlier. But now he strolls in at 1pm and sometimes even 2pm. He refuses to shoot beyond eight hours as he says he can’t focus beyond that. Often due to lighting or other technical conditions, shots get delayed but he is adamant about sticking to his eight-hour shift.” But we are sure that Mr Perfectionist Dhoom 3 will deliver another masterpiece. Click to see pictures from the sets of Dhoom
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The source added, “Katrina and Abhishek have been on the verge of tearing their hair out. In fact, things have come to such a point that Katrina has told people around her that she will think hard before working with Aamir again. Her Bang Bang schedule had to be postoponed twice because of D3. Earlier, Aamir would always come for a 9am shot sharp on time or maybe even earlier. But now he strolls in at 1pm and sometimes even 2pm. He refuses to shoot beyond eight hours as he says he can’t focus beyond that. Often due to lighting or other technical conditions, shots get delayed but he is adamant about sticking to his eight-hour shift.” But we are sure that Mr Perfectionist Dhoom 3 will deliver another masterpiece. Click to see pictures from the sets of Dhoom
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