Chiranjeevi, Krishna and Daggubati families are among the leading families in Telugu film industry. The members of these families have shared the stage on several occasion. But they have not been seen together on big screen. How will it be if they join hands for a film? Yes! Efforts are being made to bring Superstar Krishna, Victory Venkatesh and Ram Charan Teja together for a multi-starrer film. It is being rumoured in film nagar that director Krishna Vamsi has already prepared a script keeping Krishna, Venkatesh and Ram Charan Teja in mind. Gabbar Singh fame Bandla Ganesh Babu is said to be ready to shell out a hefty sum on this multi-starrer film. The project is still in the early stages and the director is currently in talks with these actors.
Once all the three actors give their consent for the mega-budget movie, Krishna Vamsi is said to make an official announcement about the project. But the question is: Will they accept the director's offer? Venkatesh has recently done the Seethamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu with Mahesh Babu. He is doing another multi-starrer film Gol Maal with Ram. He has said that he wants to work in more multi-starrer films. So he would obviously give his consent for the film. Ram Charan Teja also has no qualms in doing a multi-starrer film, it has a right scope for him. Moreover, he shares a great bonding with Venkatesh and he would be happy to work with him. But the director might find difficulty in roping in Krishna, as the Superstar has announced his retirement at a public event in December 2012. Stay locked to this space to read more updates on this project.
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Once all the three actors give their consent for the mega-budget movie, Krishna Vamsi is said to make an official announcement about the project. But the question is: Will they accept the director's offer? Venkatesh has recently done the Seethamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu with Mahesh Babu. He is doing another multi-starrer film Gol Maal with Ram. He has said that he wants to work in more multi-starrer films. So he would obviously give his consent for the film. Ram Charan Teja also has no qualms in doing a multi-starrer film, it has a right scope for him. Moreover, he shares a great bonding with Venkatesh and he would be happy to work with him. But the director might find difficulty in roping in Krishna, as the Superstar has announced his retirement at a public event in December 2012. Stay locked to this space to read more updates on this project.
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