Maverick director Ram Gopal Varma always tries to be in lime light, whether it is by admiring or criticizing someone. When Chiranjeevi started Praja Rajyam Party, he said he wanted to see Mega Star as chief minister. Now, RGV is singing praises for Power Star Pawan Kalyan. He compared Pawan with late Bal Thackeray and Mahatma Gandhi. Recently, Pawan Kalyan’s Atharintiki Daaredi teaser where the Power Star walks in the video has got viral response. RGV said, if Sharmila’s Padayatra got such response, what if Pawan starts his own party and go for a Padayatra. The film maker also said that he made all these comments not to make a film with Pawan either he doesn’t even have intentions to meet atleast. Here are the tweets posted by RGV late night:
“I really hope Pawan Kalyan wil start his own party..he will be the most dynamic among all actor turned leaders right from Mgr to Chiranjeevi. I never voted in my life. ..but I will stand in line and vote for Pawan Kalyan. Its not that Pawan Kalyan needs my vote...frm whatevr information I hv from various people entire Andhra Pradesh is waiting to vote for him. Not since Bal Thackeray did I see such intensity nd charishma... commitment in his eyes and honesty in thoughts is what makes Pawan Kalyan. I strongly believe that if Pawan Kalyan headed PRP it would have won with a thumping majority. Nenu kalyan tho cinema cheyyadaniki aa tweets anukunte nenu kalyan ni kalisi 5 samvastharalayindhi..kalise vuddheshyam kuda ledu. Oka director ga kaadhu kevalam andhra pradesh pouruduga pettina tweets avi. Nenichhina tweets chiranjeevigaariki againstgaa kaadhu Pawan Kalyan ki for gaa. Forgetting the technicalities nd associated logistics I believe that only Pawan Kalyan is the future of Andhra Pradesh. If just sharmilas walk can evoke so many followers Imagine what pawan kalyans walk can will create historical history. Just let Pawan Kalyan announce paada yatra nd every Paadayatra ever in history will be forgotten. With the response to Pawan Kalyans Paadayatra my prediction is that it will remind people of Mahatma Gandhis Paadayatra. Pawan Kalyan haa expressions whereas even his closest only have impressions. If Pawan kalyan was not Chiranjeevis brother he would have become a even bigger star.”
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